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Helmet and bike cameras can help cyclists avoid injury and seek accountability if they are injured


If you’re dealing with the aftermath of a bicycle crash with a car or any incident on your bike where you were injured by someone else, you may be wishing you had a video to help prove your side of the case. That’s where helmet and bike cameras can prove very useful.

Many people who spend a lot of time on their bikes, either for transportation or just for fun and exercise have cameras like GoPros attached to the front of their helmets. You can also purchase cameras to attach to the front and/or rear of your bike. The technology of these cameras and the selection have improved significantly over the years.

How can cameras help bicyclists?

If you’re struck by a driver who leaves the scene, a camera either on your helmet or bike can help you get their license plate and other vehicle information to provide to police. Even if the driver remains at the scene, cameras can capture the crash and show that the driver was at fault. Cyclists who only place one camera on their bike often put it on the back to capture a driver striking them from behind.

A camera is also useful if you encounter a motorist (or anyone else) who wants to start trouble. One cyclist recounted an incident in which an angry driver got out of his car and confronted him. When he saw the cyclist’s camera on his helmet, he backed off. The cyclist said, “He quickly ran back to his car. I’m certain I avoided a couple of blows.” 

If you have a camera both on your helmet and your bike, you’ve got something to capture the action if you and your bike become separated. While they won’t scare away a dog, they can at least help identify the animal if you’re bitten while cycling.

Even if you believe that your camera didn’t capture anything relevant, make sure that your attorney and law enforcement see the video. You never know what will be helpful. If your crash wasn’t captured by one of your cameras, there may have been security or other surveillance cameras in the area or on nearby cyclists. That’s just one of a number of things an attorney can investigate to help you get the justice and compensation you’re seeking.

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